Corn and Sunflowers

Posted on 08/06/2021

Everyone asks for the corn and when it will be available. With that, we say, “right now”. That is right. Spooner Farms corn is now being sold. Grab some for you, your family, your neighbors, friends, the person you know by the wrong name at church but they still are nice to you, heck grab two for yourself. It is that good.

Have you stopped by our sunflower festival yet? Happening on the weekends right down the street from us, in the field. You can visit us and get yourself five sunflowers with your admission.
Take a walk through the beautiful flowers and find those certain ones that call your name. Tram rides are also going on too. Maybe take a tram ride around the field and see all the flowers to help you choose which ones you need. Either way, it is a beautiful fun time.