Winter Squash

SPO-Web-FruitAvail-1000x250-inline-Winter Squash
SPO-Web-FruitAvail-600x600-Stack-Winter Squash

Nutritional and other info from Wikipedia

Winter squash is a low-calorie, good source of complex vegetable carbohydrates and dietary fiber.
It is an excellent source of vitamin A, a great source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber and manganese, and a good source of folate, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B1 (thiamin), copper, tryptophan, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).
It is also a source of niacin, iron and beta carotene. Usually, the darker the skin is, the higher the beta carotene content.
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